Friday, June 19, 2015

Catch a Falling Star Progress Report - the Unlock Basket button

I managed to get some more Game Developing in today, and made some progress with the Change Basket screen - in Catch a Falling Star, as you play the game you'll earn coins with which you can unlock additional baskets to keep things interesting.

To encourage our players to come back, they cannot choose which basket to unlock - it's going to be random. Don't worry, you will only unlock a basket that has yet to be unlocked. Some games make it progressively harder to unlock new items because the random selection includes items that has already been unlocked.

I though a nice touch would be to have a small animation pop up when you tap the Unlock new Basket button, which runs randomly through the baskets you must still unlock, and the one it stops at after a few seconds will be the one you've unlocked. It looks great and adds a very nice touch to the look and feel of the game. Here's the base functionality in action:

Please let me know what you think :) I'm happy with the result!

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